Candace Johnson

Candace Johnson is a co-founder of SES, the world’s pre-eminent satellite group and the architect of SES Global. She is also the founder of various companies as Loral Cyberstar-Teleport Europe, Europe’s first independent private trans-border satellite communications network, and Europe Online, the world’s first Internet-based online service and a founding investor and Member of the Board of Kacific, the high-throughput Satellite Internet System for the Pacific.

Under her presidency of EBAN, she co-founded MBAN, the Middle East Business Angel Network and ABAN, the AfricanBusiness Angel Network. Ms. Johnson is also the President of three investment funds and is the founder of the Global Telecom Women’s Network (GTWN), Global Board Ready Women (GBRW) and the VATM, the German Association of Private Telecom Operators.