Nikolaos Floratos
Who is Nikolaos Floratos: Nikolaos is ranked by Google and Linkedin in the top three positions as funding expert. His passion is education and training and his mission is to transform the life of individuals and make them better persons with his training. He has also a Phd in student engagement and eLearning. He is a lifelong learner with B.Eng and M.Sc in Electrical Engineering and Communications from Imperial College, London, an MBA from National Technical University & Athens University of Economics and Business and recently completed his Bachelor of Arts in greek civilizations as a hobby. The last 15 years, he has transformed thousands of individuals from more than forty countries into successful Business Development Managers and innovators through outstanding training and coaching practices. He is the author also of the ebook “Who are the champions in European Innovation and Research and what you can learn from them” and he is also the host and organiser of the Virtual Summit ( European Research and Innovation Funding Programme the largest annual virtual training event with more than 35 top experts in European Research and Innovation Area as trainers and more than 2500 participants. He is an expert on behalf of the European Commission on evaluating and reviewing for funding innovative projects and proposals since 2003 and currently, through his research, he focuses on student engagement and he has proved that anyone can master even complicated subjects very fast by receiving training and support in an engaging way and with the proper instruction strategy. He delivers all his courses and seminars based on continuous interactions with his audience and based on “recipes” and practical steps that allow them to absorb easily what they should master and achieve extraordinary results very quickly. He has trained hundreds of organisations, universities and research institutions from all over Europe on how to exploit successfully Horizon 2020 and has received more than 2000 recommendations and endorsements at his linkedin profile ( as a funding expert, coach and trainer. He is member of EBAN and HeBAN (Hellenic Business Angel Network) and the founder of the virtual accelerator OpenCosmos (