Learn how to build and grow your local BAN memberships
Take your BAN Management to the next level throughout the four days of the EBAN Congress

BAN Manager Programme
2nd of June
Pre - Event
Networking Drinks
20:00 - Onwards
Make new friends and catch up with old ones
3rd of June
Day 1
Session 1
13:00 - 15:00
Managing your member base and your dealflow
Presentations followed by round table discussions on various stages of BAN Management
Session 2
15:00 - 17:00
Getting deals done within your network and beyond
Disscussions on how angel syndicates happen, the struggles with leading deals and finding lead investors, how syndication providers are solving the issues. Followed by round table discussions.
4th of June
Day 2
Session 3
13:00 - 17:00
Strategically planning for Exits
Subtopics on strategically working with startups in your portfolio; partnerships with VCs and corporates to drive exits-role of the BAN. Follwed by round table discussions.
BAN Manager networking drinks
5th of June
Explorer Tour
BAN Manager Discovery Tour
Explore the Copenhagen sports industry through our EBAN Sports co-organised tour
Sessions on 3rd - 4th of June
June 3rd: Managing your member base and your dealflow
(13:00 - 15:00)
This session will cover strategies for attracting and retaining members, optimizing internal operations, and accessing top-tier deal flow within your ecosystem. We'll also explore the essential tools and software investors commonly use to manage these processes effectively and at scale.
Round table topics:
- How to get started and put good membership/ dealflow strategies in action; getting the best startups to come to you.
- Attracting more of the right kind of members, improving member diversity (tech/professional background, culture/race, gender), tools and processes to manage everything.
Presentations by:
June 3rd : Getting deals done within your network and beyond.
(15:00 - 17:00)
This session will dive into syndication programs and solutions designed for your investor base—covering how to support members in launching their own syndicates, strategies for incentivizing lead investors, and best practices for cross-network (BAN-to-BAN) collaborations.
Round table discussions:
- From matchmaking to dealmaking, how to set up simple but effective syndication support offerings, BAN-BAN partnerships to drive deal making
- Finding leads, retaining lead investors in your network, models and best practices to incentivize deal leading,
- Setting up your own funds or managed syndicates with and without AIFM fund license, comparative analysis of SPV-syndication providers
Presentations by:
June 4th: Strategically planning for exits
(13:00 - 15:00)
This session will explore strategic engagement with portfolio startups, including how business angel networks (BANs) can foster partnerships with VCs and corporates to drive growth and maximize exit opportunities.
Round table discussions:
Education on exits, discussing first hand reports on good/ bad exits, and sharing best practices
What are you doing to help your BAN Members Exit their Portfolio Companies; partnerships with corporates, secondary funds, VCs, to get exits done?
Presentations by:
Networking Events
June 2nd
Networking events
Netwroks with dealum drink and activtity (two seperate events)
Networking events
1) lunches
2) Monday drinks
Pre event networking drinks (20:00 - Onwards)
June 3rd
BAN Manager networking lunch (12:00 - 13:00)
June 4th
BAN Manager networking lunch (12:00 - 13:00)
Networking drinks powered by Dealum (17:00 - 18:00)
June 5th
EBAN Sports: Industry tour in Copenhagen
Invite your portfolio startups to apply for EBAN Pitching Competition
Companies with active funding rounds
With your network that is leading the round
Early-stage companies and startups
Is your network investing in an emerging startups that is currently looking for funding? Then this is the perfect opportunity to invite them to the Congress and showcase them infront active international investors! We are organising a dedicated pitching session for BAN Manager portfolio startups so make sure to have them apply today!
Make sure to email nathan@eban.org if you intrested in having your startup represented during the event!