Gala Dinner

June 3rd, Poolen Copenhagen

Join this evenings festivities and celebrate the most influential Angel Investing communities of 2025

Take the time during the Congress to join us as we celebrate the Angel Investment Ecosystem and recognise the best from our network!

There is no better way to make lasting connections than around delicious food and good bottle of wine. Make sure to bring your dancing shoes as tradition dictates we dance the night away once the music enters the scene.

If music is not your forte, thats ok! After dinner drinks and a quiet space will ensure you continue that lovely conversation with dashing person beside you ;)

  • Gala Dinner dresscode is Business Casual though you are under no obligation to conduct any business during the evening. For those on the fence, there is no such thing as over dressing and we encorage you to elevate your style beyond the minimum dress code requirements.

  • The evening will start at 18:30 with reception drinks. For those that want to be fashionably late yet still wanted to be seated, we would suggest around 19:00.

  • The Gala Awards dinner will be taking place in Poolen, the same location as the Congress.



Nominate top performing investors from the EBAN Network for the Gala Awards

Nominations for the Gala Awards are open until the 18th of May!

  • This award is open to any equity investor operating in the European early stage market. Applying investors should demonstrate:

    • At least one meaningful exit in 2024; OR large growth funding rounds raised for your portfolio startups in 2024

    • Recognition by peers

    • Recognition by the entrepreneurs as bringing a real value added to the enterprise

  • This award is open to startups that have received funds from European early stage investors and can demonstrate at least one of the following:

    • Achievement of a positive exit to the investors in 2024

    • Considerable impact of the investment reflected in the growth of the company (employees, internationalization, etc.)

    • Attraction of different market players into the same investment round (e.g. business angels, VCs, family offices...)

  • This award is open to all members of EBAN that can demonstrate:

    • Sound results of their activity for the year 2024

    • Successful collaboration with its local community and with other EBAN members

    • Engagement in EBAN activities

    • Recognition by peers

  • This award is open to new members that have joined EBAN as of January 2024 and can demonstrate:

    • Considerable increase in performance since joining EBAN

    • Successful collaboration with its local community and with other EBAN members

    • Engagement in EBAN activities

    • Recognition by peers

Business Angels Thesis Award Competition

EBAN promotes and rewards outstanding postgraduate thesis practical implications research

High quality impact and practical research are the foundation to engage and strengthen its role between the researchers and practitioners/policy-makers.

EBAN’s Business Angels Thesis Award Competition is open to all former students (MA’s and PhD’s) who have written original innovative dissertations and completed their thesis about Business Angels’ investment-related topics.

Find out more about the competition and apply through the links below.